Lately, most political commentary treats Secretary Clinton as the de facto nominee for the Democratic Party. Clinton is leading in the delegate count, and has a staggering number of superdelegates already “pledged”.

However, people don’t elect presidents in the United States — the Electoral College does.

What does that mean for Secretary Clinton? Most of the states that she is winning are likely to vote Republican anyway. So, in effect, her wins wouldn’t put her in office. However, Senator Sanders’ wins would.

If you consider current primary results in terms of the 2012 Electoral College, as of March 8th, Secretary Clinton would have 36 electoral votes, and Senator Sanders would have 46 electoral votes.

And that includes Clinton’s razor-thin victories in Iowa and Massachusetts.

Electoral Map

States in dark blue indicate a win for Clinton that would give her Electoral Votes, while states in light blue indicate a win that wouldn’t give her Electoral Votes.

States in dark green indicate a win for Sanders that would give him Electoral Votes, while states in light green indicate a win that wouldn’t give him Electoral Votes.